Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Faith Statement

There is one triune God who is, was, and will be,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - the blessed Trinity.
It is God alone whom I worship, and God alone I serve.
It is God alone who fills me with my baptismal vervei.
Presbytery of Greater Atlanta
September 19, 2009 Page 49
The triune God is in deep relation,
And called into being all of creation.
The Creator spoke the Word to the Spirit that was hovering,
and everything was good until Adam searched for covering.
God wants us to be in good relations and establishes His covenant,
But by our nature we rebel and tell God, “We’ll have none of it.”
And yet God gathers us in again, like a hen gathers in Her chicks,
And establishes his covenant again, despite our past horlicksii.
Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man, came to share in our humanity.
Jesus healed, preached, proclaimed, and taught against the world’s insanity.
Jesus shared his message of repentance and gave us the good news,
If we will just believe in Christ our souls we will not lose.
But once again in covenant, we did not want to live,
And so we asked of Pilate, the life Jesus, give.
And Jesus took our sins and bore them, and they died up on that cross,
So we could stand on judgment day, as pure gold without dross.
God raised Jesus from the dead and conquered sin and death,
and to the blessed who here remained he sent his Holy Breathiii.
Through the power of the Spirit, the scribes wrote it down,
And Bible alone tells us what we need to get our pearly gown.
Justified by grace through faith we join them in the chorus,
And following in their footsteps we take the road before us.
To minister to those in need, the weak, exploited, and suffering abuse,
We do this by lending a helping hand and sharing the Good News.
The sacraments we celebrate are the outward signs,
Of something already happening through God’s power most divine.
The breaking of the bread is a foretaste of the heavenly banquet,
And you can baptize adults or babies in wrapped in a blanket.
Yet while we are all broken people, serving in a broken world,
The banner that I serve under is the one that Christ unfurled.
And when I am dead and buried, and to dust I have returned,
I know that my salvation comes not by what I have earned,
but because Christ has paid the ransom for all my earthly sinning,
I know that I will return to God who loved me from the beginning.
i Vitality or energetic style.
ii British slang – making a mess of things, muddling or messing things up.
iii Pentecost

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